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July 29, 2005


B Squared

Pitfall Harry rules!!! Who else could swing from vines, land on crocodile heads and jump over quicksand! The best part about Pitfall was it could be played backward, which was more entertaining. Maybe if this movie were told backward, ala Memento, it would have been better!

Griffeys Shoes

Thank you this article I hope you have an enjoyable day.I can see a great improvement in your writing, I’ll love to get in touch. Keep up the good work! Your writing is very inspirational for someone who is new to this type of stuff.

Radii Shoes

I just wanted to comment your blog and say that I really enjoyed reading your blog post here. I can see a great improvement in your writing, I’ll love to get in touch. Keep up the good work! Your writing is very inspirational for someone who is new to this type of stuff.

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