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September 19, 2005


Hateful Jock

This movie was reportedly a remake of the Ingmar Bergman (Seventh Seal) film Virgin Spring (although I don't know I haven't seen it.)


Hard to imagine it's a remake of a Bergman film when you see this thing! Very interesting...


I dont see why anyone would give this movie bad reviews Yes it was sick Yes it involved the evil in this world Yes the acting was terrible. But it had a lot of good points in it. I mean to hate a movie cause its about evil is preety narrow minded. And whoever posted the above review you said you couldn't sympathize with the 2 girls for being stupid. I like what craven did he didn't portray the victims as perfect. Nobody is perfect. But nobody deserves to have those evil things done to them.

Coach Outlet

maybe after I tell you a bit more of the plot you can decide if it’s something that appeals to you. It probably will, you sick sick bastard…

china electronics

maybe after I tell you a bit more of the plot you can decide if it’s something that appeals to you. It probably will, you sick sick bastard…

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