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September 09, 2005



Hello, The AWFUL DR ORLOFF was rippoff of a french film called EYES WITHOUT A FACE. A MUCH more graphic (and better) film than Francos Orloff.

Hateful Jock

Touche! LES YUEX SANS VISAGE was an earlier and better film that GRITOS EN LA NOCHE (I love alternate titles)and this was a rip off but lets not dissmiss the merits of this film just because it was made before and better. The beauty of Orloff was that there was no moral reason for him to kidnap and kill, as opposed to Dr. Genessier who caused his daughter's deformation and was trying to face his guilt (pun very much intended). All the best modern horror movies have no or a contrite reason for all the bloodshed but they still make you believe it somehow. This is the power of modern horror and it was nurtured in this little film (and Hammer studios) that added breasts to the plot of one of the great classic horrors. It changed the rules of the game and that, in its own way, is bigger than making a much better film. But yeah, I should have mentioned Eyes Without a Face, my hatred of Billy Idol just blinded me.

Nike Free

Such a good writing, or by I saw for the first time. I'm quite happy, you are a good writer

Air Force One

Thank your for sharing your wonderful article. I very agree with your views from here.

Air Jordan

i agree with your views from here.

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