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January 08, 2006



i think this episode was absolutley amazing. the actors were all good. and i love the little monster that johnny turns into, even if it is creepy and made me have nightmares.again, i think this was the best Master Of Horrors i have ever seen :)


Hi, this one is very great, i didnt see any other, but i dont like horror movies at all, but i saw this one yesterday night @ the movie channel, and i really liked it.. it was 4 am and i still finished the movie !


In comparison to the other episodes, this one isn't so great. At first the story seems to be well developed until Jonny turns into that funny little thing - I thought it was a bit random, what's the concept behind that character!!?? that's pretty much it, I had no problem with the acting in film.
My favourite episode of Masters of Horror would probably be cigarette burns & Sick Girl

Mumbly Joe

Speaking of poor writing....

Nice review!


What the hell?
i thought this movie was wicked!
even thought johnny did turn into that strange little creature.

aren't GOOD reviews meant to be a two sided argument?

theres like one point that barely congratualates this piece.

and to be honest,


I thought the guy who played Johny was a great actor. He has such a cute desperation about him. Plus I think he's fit. I'm trying to find out who he is so I can add him to my LHSA list (Less heard of Shagable Actors)




Thought this episode was one of the beste - even if you really knew what was going on, lets say 20 minutes. But the story was good anyway!

So, guys, by the wy...I've got a question, maybe someone can anwer it. Is anyone of you able to remember what song the parents did play on their instruments just before the end? Can't remember which classical composer it was. So if one of you could tell me - this would be really great! thanx


this episode was fucking amazing!the person who rote that about this episode should be pimped slaped or somethin this is rediculouse!this was a fuckin amazing episode


i think this episode is great. like the acting and the plot. i also like the second episode of the first season
to shaznay: the composer of the music was Johann Sebastian Bach


sorry i was confused. The composer was Brahms


Thanks for the info, Becky! :) Really couldn't remember...

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