If you happen to be in the mood for nothing special, if you find yourself in the midst of the video store looking to not be challenged, or not have anything new to deal with, or nothing in particular to be scared by, but you just want a big loud gory romp with a plot so antique it could be featured on PBS, then go ahead, and grab that copy of THE BUTCHER off the shelf.
So what we have here plotwise is six college students stranded on the road. In the middle of the night. Following a car accident. Yeah, you can already tell what's going to happen here, now can't you? They're going to find an abandoned farmhouse in the middle of the night because their cell phones don't work in the middle of nowhere they've found themselves in (though as it turns out, no one seems to have brought one along with them for a change), and the abandoned farmhouse in question isn't as abandoned as anyone thought it was. Because the owner is a crazy homicidal weapon-wielding maniac prepared to turn them all into an assortment of chewy bite-sized pieces, possibly to eat them.
If it sounds familiar, it's because it is.
Right down to the multiple lesbian makeout sessions in the first five minutes. And the incredible display of driving idiocy that leads them to become stranded in the first place. And an even better display of idiocy that allows the first death by overhanging tree branch to the solar plexus to take place in the first TEN minutes.
Despite the sheer familiarity of "The Butcher", I do have to admit that I've never seen this much idiocy in one movie. Every stupid thing these half-dozen morons could rally together, they do. They flash and taunt the serial killer. They drive around with people stuck out of sunroofs. They get blind drunk immediately after the first person gets killed.
And then, at the twenty one minute twenty two second mark, the biggest insult to our intelligence comes into play so far when Mark, one of the main idiots, says: "Don't you watch scary movies? Bad shit always happens inside the creepy farmhouse." Not only does the movie know that it makes use of every threadbare cliche the horror movie genre has to offer, it also has the gigantic brass ones to tell us about them!
What cliches, you might ask? Well, despite the ones I've already laid out, how about portraying the sheer balls-out idiocy of sticking around a seemingly-abandoned farmhouse after a girl with no tongue cuts her wrists on a bottle just so she can write "hell" on the nearest wall in big bloody letters? Catch that little beauty at the twenty nine minute twenty second mark.
Or the inspired stupidity of running into the killer's house at thirty eight minutes seven seconds. Although, and I will give them some begrudging respect after the thirty eight minute seven second mark, I have seen very few scenarios where the killer is actually locked out of his house. Though they don't manage to do very well with this surprising advantage....
And for once, in a surprisingly strange twist, the cops aren't actually complicit with the family of lunatics living out in the middle of nowhere. Usually, that's the so-called twist--that the cops are working with or otherwise related to the killers, but this time, the cops actually aren't related. The ending is home to a couple clever twists, and a couple of decent-sized plot holes, but nothing worth writing home about.
The special features include English and Spanish subtitles, and trailers for KOMODO VS. COBRA, AFTER SUNDOWN, and SANTERIA: THE SOUL POSSESSED.
All in all, THE BUTCHER accomplishes nothing new, but does it in a fashion that's at least passable. It's worth your time to pick it up, but only if you're not looking for anything special.
RATING: ** (out of four)
Hey, I just watched "The Butcher" and I immediately looked it up on Google so I could bitch to someone about it because I can't believe I just wasted an hour and a half of my life on this movie. The acting was TERRIBLE, and cheesy indeed! Where in the hell did they find these actors? I shook my head in disbelief throughout the whole movie. NOTHING made any sense! Like in the beginning when they crashed with the SUV, why didn't he just press the breaks? Why wouldn't they let the girl in from the sun roof when they realized they were going to crash? And later on Sophie freaked out more when she saw that dead lady in the bed then when her friend got cut in half during the car crash! And that little girl clearly had just gotten away from that lunatic, why is she still sticking around?, to help them? Unrealistic... So maybe if I was drunk off my ass I would of liked the movie just a little bit because I wouldn't care for shit to make sense, but I'm not, and I SWEAR I could make a better movie than this!
Haha ok thanks 4 listening
Posted by: Kristian | August 06, 2008 at 10:07 PM
Why do people cheat on their partners? And that is including emotional relationships as well. As a cheater, do you think it's ok? Or is there some remorse?[
Posted by: aleftinaaleftinka | February 01, 2010 at 09:25 AM
Hi, new here. Need someone, anyone to talk to, I feel like I'm going to lose it one day.
I'll try to make this short but that could some what be hard to do. I was 15 when I got married, my Ex was 29. I ran away from home to be with him, when I call my mom to tell her I was okay, I was expecting my first child with in an couple weeks. That was 25 years ago. 2007 was the worst year of my and my kids life. My Ex and their dad was accused of molesting one of my 10 year olds friends. Lived in small town, he was found quilty and got 30 years. Our marriage hasn't been right for the last 5-6 years and I was waiting for my youngest <> year old] to get alittle older to leave him. But I knew that once I did he would make me be out to be the bad guy and never leave me alone. I started having females come tell me what the sick-o had been doing to them through the years, then I found out that my two oldest daughters <>now ages 24 and 21] had been abused by him when very young.
I have overwhemling quilt, so many whys? that it feels like my head is going to bust. I hear them say I'm not to blame but still. I've always prided myself in keeping all child in my home safe. Just didn't know the wolf was under my feet.
I need help in trying to come to terms with this and overcome my very low self esteam.
I have remarried a wonderful man, but I'm scared that all the issues I'm dealing with will be too much for him. He shouldn't pay the price of the emtional damage that someone else caused me.
I'm sorry this post is long, just have alot on my heart.
Posted by: anabellaannna | February 01, 2010 at 03:51 PM
Unlock PNA - convert to Mobile PC, update navigation maps
Обновление навигационных программ и карт в Ваших автомобильных и карманных навигаторах, КПК, iPhone или сотовых телефонах, русификация, перепрошивка, восстановление / Update navigation software & maps, update firmware, restore devices
GPS-Сервис разблокировки автомобильной навигации (PNA, PDA, GSM устройств) / Unlocking service (PNA, PDA, GSM)
Освободите свою навигацию от заводской блокировки и получите полный доступ к функциям своего устройства! Разблокируешь навигатор единожды - пользуешься бесплатно всю жизнь!
Все автомобильные навигационные устройства (PNA) имеют заводскую блокировку операционной системы (Windows CE) и предустановленную по умолчанию только ОДНУ навигационную систему без возможности установить что-либо самостоятельно. Но навигационных программ и карт сегодня очень много, также как и программного обеспечения и игр для Вашего устройства. После разблокировки устройства и получения полного доступа над ним Вы можете установить любые (причем несколько сразу) из существующих навигационных систем: Navitel, Автоспутник, Garmin & Garmin Mobile XT, SmartComGPS, iGO 2006 & iGO 2006Plus, iGO 2008 & iGO8 & iGO Amigo, Navigon, CityGuide, MioMap, Destinator, TomTom, Route66, Ozi Explorer, CityGuide, Мобильный навигатор, BeeLineGPS, AutoMapa, Ginius Driver, Мобильные Яндекс.Карты, Visicom, ГисРусса и многие другие!
Благодаря нашему сервису Вы можете самостоятельно разблокировать свой телефон, автомобильную навигационную систему (PNA), установить на свой карманный компьютер (PDA, КПК), iPhone с функцией GPS последние версии программ и карты навигации! Для этого Вам необходимо всего-навсего сообщить модель своего прибора и мы вышлем Вам архив с программой именно для Вашего прибора, запустив которую, Вы получите полностью функциональное устройство без всяких ограничений, установленных разработчиком Вашего прибора - Вы получите возможность использовать не только предустановленное устаревшее программное обеспечение и карты, а самые новые, сможете в будущем самостоятельно обновлять их не платя повторно никому за их обновление! Программа разблокировки не потребует от Вас никаких специальных знаний - достаточно скопировать ее на Вашу карточку или просто подключив через USB-кабель Ваш навигационный прибор к персональному компьютеру. Наши программы снабжены подробнейшими иллюстрированными инструкциями, поэтому проблем с разблокировкой не возникает - в любом случае будем рады оказать Вам бесплатные консультации по правильной разблокировке Вашего устройства.
Вот так может выглядеть экран Вашего навигатора после его разблокировки (это лишь несколько возможных примеров) - он превращается в полноценный карманный компьютер:
Видео-скрин демонстрирующий возможности разблокированного навигатора (нажмите чтобы скачать, 4,44MB, RAR, AVI, 8min)
Видео сделанное на работающем разблокированном устройстве автонавигации с установленным альтернативным меню (flv, 2MB)
Пакет разблокировки (инструкция и программа разблокировки) для любого (одного) устройства всего 20$ (USD)
Вы получите свой пакет программ для снятия разблокировки с Вашего устройства в течение 10 минут после подтверждения оплаты.
За дополнительные 10$ (если заказали разлочку и 20$ если только диски) Вы получите почтой 2DVD-диска или скачаете с нашего сайта САМЫЕ последние версии навигационных программ и карт к ним. На дисках также Вы найдете самые популярные программы и игры: калькуляторы, программы просмотра видео, flash и фото, прослушивания музыки, англ./нем. и др. словари, программы для чтения книг, файловые менеджеры и мн. другие. Все программы будут гарантированно работать, как на КПК, так и на автонавигаторах (PNA) под управлением WinCE (или Linux, если таковая установлена в Вашем навигаторе).
1. Предлагаем услугу по обучению Вашего навигатора видеть SD HC карточки бoльшей емкости (более 2 и 4ГБ) методом инкапсуляции необходимых dll-библиотек в установленную на Вашем навигаторе Windows CE. Услуга бесплатна для всех наших клиентов и возможна почти для всех моделей навигаторов. Не для клиентов услуга составляет 5$ (USD)
2. Предоставление оригинальной или альтернативной прошивки для Вашего навигатора. Прошивка необходима для восстановления навигатора к рабочему или к заводскому первоначальному состоянию. Если Ваш навигатор завис на заставке, не загружается, некорректно работает, Вы случайно удалили какие-то системные файлы и Вам не удается запустить программы, Вы хотите изменить китайский язык ОС на англ. и т.п. - Вам необходима новая прошивка. Стоимость прошивки и инструкции к ней по правильной установке на навигатор 10$ (USD)
Вот далеко не полный список автомобильных навигационных устройств, которые Вы сможете разблокировать с нашей помощью:
+ Accesstech NavAccess MX100
+ Accesstech MX200
+ Acer D100
+ Acer E310, E3xx
+ Acer P6xx
+ Acer d155 / d156
+ Acer v200
+ Actea Supratech 4.0
+ Aerosat SP-350
+ Aerosat SP-430
+ Aerosat SP-710
+ Aerovision ATLAS
+ Aerovision Navi
+ Aerovision SUPERSONIC
+ Airis T900
+ Airis T915, T920, T930
+ Airis T940E / T940I / T940EI
+ Airis T940T / T940T1 / T940T2
+ Akira-MM-4301-A3 (menu)
+ Akira 2000
+ Akira 3512
+ Akira 3518-A3 MM
+ Akira 4301-A3
+ Akira 512 517
+ Akira Guepard
+ Akira Guepard 2
+ Akira Stadion
+ Akira Pantera
+ Albatron TeePC
+ Altina A600
+ Altina A660
+ Altina A680 / A680S
+ Altina A700
+ Altina A760
+ Altina A800
+ Altina A810
+ Altina A860
+ Altina А1130
+ Altina А8010
+ Alegro AL 73000
+ AnexTEK moboDA G610
+ AnexTEK moboDA G620
+ A-Rival Naca 400
+ Asus A63X, A65X
+ Asus R300
+ Asus R600, R700, R700t
+ Aristo Voyager x500
+ Aristo Voyager m700
+ Aristo Voyager x800
+ AutoNAVI 3000 (Navigo)
+ Axxion GPS-374
+ Aytobe ATB 083
+ BBK N4302
+ Becker 7926
+ Becker 7827, 7927
+ Becker Traffic Assist 7827
+ Becker Traffic Assist 7934
+ Becker 7928
+ Becker 7929 - Ferrari edition
+ Becker 7934
+ Becker 7988 - Ferrari edition
+ Becker 7977 (menu)
+ Becker Z098 (menu)
+ Becker Z099 (menu)
+ Becker Z101 (menu)
+ Becker Z103 (menu)
+ Becker Z200 (menu)
+ Becker Z201 (menu)
+ Binatone Carrera A-350 (menu)
+ Binatone Carrera C-350 (menu)
+ Binatone Carrera BC t350
+ Binatone Carrera X-350 (menu)
+ Binatone Carrera X-430
+ Blaupunkt TravelPilot Lucca 3.3
+ Blaupunkt TravelPilot Lucca 3.4
+ Blaupunkt TravelPilot Lucca 3.5
+ Blaupunkt TravelPilot Lucca 3.5 Edition
+ Blaupunkt TravelPilot Lucca 5.2
+ Blaupunkt TravelPilot Lucca 5.3
+ Blaupunkt TravelPilot Lucca MP3 Edition (menu)
+ Blaupunkt Lucca 33 (menu)
+ Blaupunkt Lucca 35
+ Blaupunkt TravelPilot Lucca (menu)
+ Blaupunkt TravelPilot 100 (menu)
+ Blaupunkt TravelPilot 200
+ Blaupunkt TravelPilot 300 (menu)
+ Blaupunkt TravelPilot 500 - Pulpit
+ Blaupunkt TravelPilot 700
+ Bluebird Pidion BM-150
+ BlueMedia BM-6380, 6300
+ Blow GPS35
+ Blow GPS43 VBT
+ Bravium GPS 4306
+ Bravium GPS 4320
+ Carmani CA 450
+ Carmani СА 450 VolksWagen
+ Carmani СА 400 SsangYong
+ Carmani CA 400
+ Carmani СВ 400
+ Carmani CC 200 XL
+ Carmani СХ 230
+ Carmani СХ 230 BMW
+ Car trek 200, 400
+ Challenger GN-40 (clones: Navispace Discovery (NS-1200), EasyGo 200 / 230 / 240 / 245 / 300 / 300b / 400 / 410)
+ Clarion map-360 - PNA510T
+ Clarion map-560
+ Clarion map-670 - PNA460
+ Clarion map-770 - PNA470
+ Clarion map-780 - PNA480
+ Clarion NAX 963HD / NAX 973HD / NAX 980 HD / NAX 983 HD
+ ComStorm Star 3.5" / 4.3" / 5" / 7"
+ Cowon N2
+ Dalco DAL 9025
+ Digma DM350
+ Digma DM430B
+ Digma DM435
+ Delphi nav200
+ Dikom-GPS-MP350
+ DreimGO DG100 / DreimGO DG100BT
+ DreimGO DG110
+ DreimGO DG120
+ DreimGO DG200BT
+ DreimGO DG210
+ DreimGO DG220GC
+ DreimGO DG250DVB-T
+ DESAY 29
+ EasyDriver Navi 007
+ EasyGo 100 / 200 / 230 / 240 / 245 / 300 / 400 / 410 / 2000 / Element T1b / Element T5 / Element T6 / Element T7 / Element T8 / Element F1
+ Easy Touch ET- 907, ET-909
+ Econ 480BF
+ Econ F8432B Black
+ Econ H8431B
+ ERGO GPS 543
+ Explay-PN350
+ Explay-PN355
+ Explay-PN365
+ Explay-PN430
+ Explay-PN435
+ Fujitsu Siemens LOOX N100 (HTC Eden)
+ Fujitsu Siemens LOOX N110
+ Garmin NUVI 200, 255, 205GP and any others Garmin (only update & install newest maps) / и любые др. фирмы Garmin (обновление и установка новых карт)
+ Gateq-ENAV7010i
+ Gateq-ENAV7020i
+ Geo G8000 (Korea)
+ Geo G9000 (Korea)
+ Global NAVIGATION GN3566
+ Global NAVIGATION GN4368
+ Global NAVIGATION GN4373
+ Global NAVIGATION GN4392
+ Globus GL-100
+ Globus GL-200
+ Globus GL-250
+ Globus GL-570
+ Globus GL-600
+ Globus GL-800
+ GlobWay G108, G228B, G229
+ GeoVision 350
+ Gepard gps90232
+ GoGo 430
+ GoClever 4330a
+ GoClever 3530a
+ GoClever 3535
+ GoClever 3550a
+ GoClever 3520
+ GoClever 3510a
+ GoClever 4300a
+ GoClever 5010 FM BT AV-in
+ GoClever 5056 BT
+ GoClever 5065 BT
+ GoClever 5066 BT FM
+ GoClever 5068 BT
+ GT-NV-08
+ Hagenuk 300EU
+ Harman Kardon 310na
+ Harman Kardon GPS 500
+ Harman Kardon 810
+ Harman Kardon 910
+ Holux GPSmile 52+
+ Holux GPSmile 55 Car Navigator
+ Holux GPSmile 61
+ Holux GPSmile 62
+ Hewlett-Packard iPAQ 300 / 310 / 312 / 314 / 316 (HP iPAQ 300 / 310 / 312 / 314 / 316)
+ Huyndai H-NVB5000
+ iconX A410
+ iconX G300
+ iconX G310
+ iconX G400
+ inVion 4in1, 5in1, 7v121
+ iRiver NV Mini
+ iSUN 7003 (Redpower 8802G)
+ Ixtone GP43N
+ Jagga NavAccess MX-100
+ Jagga NavAccess MX-200
+ Jagga EG002 (NavAccess) & + Jagga (NavAccess) EG002 c Bluetooth
+ Jensen NL3500
+ JJ-Connect Navigator 101
+ JJ-Connect AutoNavigator 300
+ JJ-Connect 500
+ JJ-Connect 2000
+ JJ-Connect 2100
+ JJ-Connect 2500
+ JJ-Connect 3000 Wide
+ JJ-Connect 3100
+ JJ-Connect 4000W Traffic Camera
+ JVC KV-PX701
+ JVC KV-PX707
+ JVC KW-NX700
+ Lark Size 3,5'' (Lark 35.0, Lark 35.1, Lark 35.2, Lark 35.3, Lark 35.4, Lark 35.5 i 35.5c (Voyage), Lark 35.6)
+ Lark Size 4,3'' (Lark 43.0, Lark 43.1)
+ Lark Size 5''
+ Lark FreeBird (menu)
+ Lauf GP 03 = GPS L 501
+ Lexand Si-510 series Touch
+ Lexand ST-360 series Slim
+ Lexand ST-560 series Slim
+ Lexand ST-565 series Slim
+ LG N10 / LG N10e / LG N10t
+ LG LN400
+ LG LN500 / LN505 / LN510 / LN515 /LN555
+ LG LN600
+ LG LN700 / LN704 / LN705 / LN710 / LN715
+ LG LN730
+ LG LN735
+ LG LN740
+ LG LN790
+ LG LN800 / LG LN800T
+ LG LN830 / LN830R
+ LG LN835 / LN835R
+ LG LN840 / LN840R
+ LG LN845 / LN845R
+ LG LN855 / LN855R
+ LH900N
+ Link Plus NAV 3502
+ Link Plus NAV 4302
+ Macrom Navix
+ Mag GN-2010
+ Mag GN-2020
+ Magellan ROADMATE 1200
+ Magellan ROADMATE 1412
+ Magellan ROADMATE 2200T
+ Magellan ROADMATE 800
+ Majestic audiola
+ Manta EasyRider - 060 (menu)
+ Manta GPS-410 & GPS-420 (menu) & GPS-430 (menu)
+ Manta 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70
+ Macrom Easyx
+ MaxCom NAVi - 351
+ MaxCom NAVi - 432
+ Maylong FD-220
+ Match Navi-100 (menu)
+ Micromaxx MM 95242 MDPNA150
+ Mio DigiWalker h610
+ Mio moov 200 - EU (Europe version)
+ Mio moov 200 - n177
+ Mio moov 200 - USA
+ Mio C210
+ Mio DigiWalker c220
+ Mio C230 & Mio DigiWalker C230t
+ Mio C250 & Mio DigiWalker C250
+ Mio 269 Plus Digi-Walker
+ Mio C310 510 & Mio DigiWalker C310 510
+ Mio C320 520 720 & Mio DigiWalker C320 520 720
+ Mio Spirit V505 TV
+ Mio Spirit V735 TV
+ Mio H610
+ Mio C620
+ Mio C710, C720, C720B C725 & Mio DigiWalker C710, C720, C720B, C725
+ Mio moov 300 - n179 - Cobia 400
+ Mio moov 330 - n179 - Cobia 410
+ Mio moov 360 - n179 - Cobia 420
+ Mio moov 500 / S505 / Spirit 500
+ Mio Moov S555 / S556
+ Mio moov 580
+ MiTAC Mio 268 Digi-Walker
+ MiTAC Mio 269 Digi-Walker
+ Motivo avMap
+ Medion MDPNA 150 = MD95181 (menu)
+ Medion E-4110 = MDPNA-460t (menu)
+ Medion P-4410
+ Medion E-4420 = MD96760 (menu)
+ Medion E-3115 (menu)
+ Medion GoPal E3115
+ Medion MD 95895
+ Medion MD 95900
+ Medion MD 96123 - PNA 205
+ Medion MD 96310 - 3210
+ Medion MD 96130 - PNA 315t
+ Medion MD PNA150
+ Medion MDPNA 200 / 240t
+ Medion PNA 200S MD95900
+ Medion PNA 210 GOPAL
+ Medion PNA 300 MD95574
+ Medion PNA 310 MD95385
+ Medion MDPNA 315
+ Medion MDPNA 350
+ Medion MDPNA 465t (menu)
+ Medion MDPNA 470t p4410 = JVC KV-PX70
+ Medion MDPNA 470t P4Q
+ Medion MDPNA 500t MD95720
+ Medion MDPNA 510t MD96040
+ Medion GO PAL E4430
+ Medion PNA 1200 MD96710
+ Mesada
+ Modecom
+ Modecom FreeWay MX
+ Motivo
+ Motorola MOTONAV TN20
+ Motorola MOTONAV TN30
+ Mustek GP-220
+ Mustek GP-230
+ Mustek GP-250
+ Mustek GP-260
+ Mustek GP-440
+ MultiLaser EXPLORER 2
+ MX-ONDA MX 7235
+ MyGuide - 3000go
+ MyGuide - 3100
+ MyGuide - 3200
+ MyGuide - 3xxx series
+ MyGuide - 4000
+ MyGuide - 4300
+ Mystery-435
+ Mystery MNS-360MP
+ Mystery MNS-700S
+ NAV-CAM 700
+ NavGear Streetmate GP-35
+ NavGear Streetmate GP-43
+ Navgear Streetmate GT-50T-3D
+ Navia nv35
+ Navia nv45
+ Navia nv47
+ Navia nv55
+ Navia 2006
+ Navia 2008
+ Navia II
+ NaviGoo n3510
+ NAVIGO AutoNAVI - 3000
+ Navigon 1200, 1210 (menu)
+ Navigon 2100, 2110
+ Navigon 2100 max, 2110 max
+ Navigon 2210 (menu)
+ Navigon 3100, 3110
+ Navigon PNA Transonic 4000
+ Navigon 4350 max
+ Navigon PNA Transonic 5000
+ Navigon 5100
+ Navigon PNA Transonic 6000T / Navigon PNA Transonic 6000
+ Navigon PNA Transonic 7000T
+ Navigon 7100, 7110
+ Navigon 7200, 7210
+ Navigon 7300, 7310
+ Navigon 8100, 8110 (menu)
+ Navigon 9611 Porshe (menu)
+ NAVISPACE Discovery NS-1200
+ NAVIFLASH 1020/1020t/1040/1060
+ Navitel NX3100
+ Navitel NX3110
+ Navitel NX4110
+ Navitel NX4100
+ Navitel NX4110
+ Navitel NX4300
+ Navitel NX5100
+ Navon N250
+ Navon N260
+ Navon N350
+ Navon N360
+ Navon N450
+ Navon N460
+ Navon N470
+ Navon N550
+ Navon N560
+ Navon N650
+ Navroad 410
+ Navroad NR460
+ Navroad NR750F
+ NaviGoo n3521
+ NaviGoo n4320
+ NaviRoad 430BT & NaviRoad 450BV
+ NaviTop 5011
+ NaviTop 3511 (CNS Luna)
+ Navix 07PL
+ Navix 3508
+ Navix 4306
+ Navix 4306B
+ Navix 4307
+ Navix 4307B
+ Navix 4307Bx
+ Navman F20 (only update maps)
+ Navman N60i
+ Navman N20, N40, N60
+ Navman iCN510, iCN520, iCN530, iCN550, iCN720, iCN750
+ Navman S - (all serie / вся серия)
+ Navon N470
+ NDrive G280S / NDrive G280R
+ NDrive G400
+ NDrive G800 / G800R / G800S
+ NDrive Touch
+ NDrive Touch XL
+ Neoline V-460
+ Neoline V-500
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+ Pharos Drive GPS 140
+ Pharos Drive GPS 150
+ Pharos Drive GPS 200
+ Pharos Drive GPS 250
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+ Pioneer PM-912
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Copiii care sunt lipsi?i de posibilitatea de a se juca cu alti copii de vârst? asem?natoare fie din cauz? c? nu sunt obi?nui?i, fie din cauz? ca nu au cu cine, ramân nedezvolta?i din punct de vedere al personalit??ii. Jocul ofer? copiilor o sum? de impresii care contribuie la înbog??irea cuno?tin?elor despre lume ?i via??, totodat? m?re?te capacitatea de în?elegere a unor situa?ii complexe, creeaz? capacit??i de re?inere stimulând memoria, capacit??i de concentrare, de supunere la anumite reguli, capacit??i de a lua decizii rapide, de a rezolva situa?ii - problem?, într - un cuvânt dezvolt? creativitatea. Fiecare joc are reguli. Atunci când un copil vrea s? se joace cu un alt grup de copii, el accept? regulile în mod deliberat, voit. Cu alte cuvinte, el va accepta normele stabilite, adoptate ?i respectate de grupul respectiv înainte ca el s? intre în joc. jocuri pentru copii
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Pentru copil, jocul presupune de cele mai multe ori, pe lânga consumul nervos chiar ?i la cele mai simple jocuri, ?i efort fizic, spre deosebire de persoanele adulte unde acesta lipse?te cu des?vâr?ire. Vom vedea foarte des copii jucându-se fotbal, sau plimbându-se cu bicicleta, ?i nu jucând table sau ?ah pe o banc? dintr-un loc lini?tit a?a cum fac de obicei adul?ii.
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