Another movie Anchor Bay dug up out of the "Long Forgotten"
section of the archives, THE NORLISS TAPES is an interesting mix of
events that lead up to a surprisingly satisifying conclusion, though
not without its clear and present faults. So what we have here plotwise is a paranormal investigator, David
Norliss, out investigating psychic phenomena and other assorted
supernatural hoaxes. Sort of a modern day "In Search Of...", or even
"Fact or Fiction" for my longtime readers, Norliss has amassed hours
upon hours of cassette tapes detailing his findings. And when David
Norliss mysteriously vanishes one day, all that remains behind are his
tapes. What Norliss' tapes reveal are an altogether alarming story of
a woman attacked by her husband's corpse, and the events surrounding
this particular attack.
It sounds really ambitious, especially for a movie with a seventy
two minute runtime. The fact that this movie easily predates any of
the standard paranormal investigation plotlines ("The X-Files",
"Millenium", "In Search Of", and their like) by a good twenty years or
more is nothing short of astonishing--THE NORLISS TAPES comes to us
from the depths of 1973. There's even a case that can be made that
says THE NORLISS TAPES is the ground from which the John Carpenter
title "In the Mouth of Madness" came from (incredible similarities
exist, especially in the setups of both).
If anything, the movie's pedigree suggests that we've got a winner
on our hands. If you recognize the name "Dan Curtis", it's because you
probably should. Guy wrote some of the biggest pieces of his era:
"Dark Shadows", "Trilogy of Terror (featuring that bit with the Zuni
fetish doll that's still freaky even up to this second)" and "The Night
Stalker (so badass that even Sci Fi remade it)". But the question
before us is should it have even been salvaged in the first place?
And the answer is, surprisingly, a qualified yes. Though every
jot and tittle of this movie looks incredibly dated--velvet curtains?
Light sconces that look like candles? A gun case in the living room
stocked to the gunnels with rifles? Lapels so wide you could hangglide
with them?--it's still got enough compression in its metaphorical
cylinders to keep a movie running.
Even better, there will be plenty of definitely unintentional
laughs as we get a look at the "effects technology" of the early
seventies. The "corpse" of the husband I mentioned? Oh man...looked
like Lou Ferrigno in blue Hulk makeup. Follow that up with a tussle
with a clearly dummy dog--brought to mind shades of an old Mystery
Science Theatre 3000 episode where Tom Servo cranks out "He'd never
killed that big a puppet before". The shotgun firing into said corpse?
Looked like the muzzle flash wasn't even aligned with the barrel
itself--and they didn't even try to simulate recoil. These incredible
effects faux pas all take place in the space of less than a minute, so
watch carefully for all the rest.
And though all of these things are there--laughable effects,
antiquated costumes, overly dramatic music and dialogue--we still have
a more than passable plotline going here, that's reasonably well
executed. If you're prepared to tolerate the problems I've mentioned
earlier--godawful though they may be--then you may at least get some
enjoyment from THE NORLISS TAPES.
The ending is a bit of a thrill, actually. It's got some nice
suspenseful elements to it and at least a little action going on, so
it's respectible to say the least. At least until the last two
minutes, when it makes the absolutely pathetic move of going to the
SECOND TAPE. I'm guessing that this was some kind of television series
at one point, and this was like the ninety minute pilot episode? Which
was apparently the case, according to the IMDB. It was never picked
up, but this was, indeed, the pilot.
Damn, I'm good. The special features include English closed captions and trailers
DREAMS. All in all, THE NORLISS TAPES wasn't a bad resurrection for
Anchor Bay to work on. Though it's got some clear flaws and faults to
it, it still has more than a few virtues left. If you can stomach the
troubles--or if you'd like a good, albeit unintentional, laugh--then
you won't have a problem in the world with THE NORLISS TAPES.
RATING: *** (out of four)
Regarding the effects criticism, I sure did notice the dummy dog, but it didn't bother me in the least. As for the "shotgun firing... muzzle flash wasn't even aligned with the barrel," huh? I just saw the movie today, and maybe if one single-frames the scene, one can spot the imperfections... but the shotgun blast effect was totally acceptable, especially lasting as it did for only a moment.
But the worst criticism here was "Lou Ferrigno in blue Hulk makeup." Naturally, given the amazing strides made in special make-up effects, Nick Dimitri's zombie/vampire make-up would appear charmingly basic. But sometimes simplicity is best. I thought one of the best things about this film was the effectiveness with how the monster came across. Whereas the ingenuity of latter-day zombie make-up can take one's breath away, without being particularly scary, the zombie make-up of THE NORLISS TAPES really succeeded in being spooky. I just got through reading IMDb user comments and board messages regarding this film, and it appears the vast majority are in agreement; many pointed out the chill factor of the monster.
I can understand how our critic here can ridicule effects from years ago, having been weaned on the super glossy effects of our times, but the ironic thing is, often we don't need the pizzazz. What's more, frequently, today's effects call too much attention to their glitz, and may get in the way of immersion with the story.
Posted by: Jug | January 04, 2010 at 11:04 PM
Nor will I allow yesterday's success to lull me into today's complacency, for this is the great foundation of failure.
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