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January 24, 2007



Regarding the effects criticism, I sure did notice the dummy dog, but it didn't bother me in the least. As for the "shotgun firing... muzzle flash wasn't even aligned with the barrel," huh? I just saw the movie today, and maybe if one single-frames the scene, one can spot the imperfections... but the shotgun blast effect was totally acceptable, especially lasting as it did for only a moment.

But the worst criticism here was "Lou Ferrigno in blue Hulk makeup." Naturally, given the amazing strides made in special make-up effects, Nick Dimitri's zombie/vampire make-up would appear charmingly basic. But sometimes simplicity is best. I thought one of the best things about this film was the effectiveness with how the monster came across. Whereas the ingenuity of latter-day zombie make-up can take one's breath away, without being particularly scary, the zombie make-up of THE NORLISS TAPES really succeeded in being spooky. I just got through reading IMDb user comments and board messages regarding this film, and it appears the vast majority are in agreement; many pointed out the chill factor of the monster.

I can understand how our critic here can ridicule effects from years ago, having been weaned on the super glossy effects of our times, but the ironic thing is, often we don't need the pizzazz. What's more, frequently, today's effects call too much attention to their glitz, and may get in the way of immersion with the story.

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