There is a point when a movie becomes a full-bore franchise,
around the second or maybe third sequel. In a way, this elevates a
movie, showing that it has stood the test of time. And in another,
it's a stomach-churning sort of affair. Usually a movie's inexorable
slide downhill is when it finally reaches that great metaphorical
tenure of franchising. Look at HELLRAISER, for crying out loud. How
many sequels were in that misery train and was a one of them any good?
Not really.
way of HELLRAISER. Where the original was, ironically, full of life
and wit, the latest in the franchise just can't keep up. Though bits
and pieces of that old vibrant impact and charm show through, that old
undead life just isn't there any more. This time around, we're
introduced once again to good old Trioxin-5, the gas / chemical
substance that turns the dead into the walking, brain-hungry undead.
Only this time, one of those ubiquitous canisters has found its way
into the hands of some enterprising college students. And though they
disagree about what to do with their newfound prize, eventually, the
faction that wants to profit from their discovery wins out by sheer
duplicity. Trioxin-5, you see, has an incredibly similar chemical
composition to that most famous of party drugs, Ecstacy. And so, the
students manufacture their own brand of superecstacy and go all the way
down from "X" to "Z".
For zombie.
And you can just about imagine what will happen once, say, five
hundred odd hits of Z start wending their bloodthirsty way through a
local college campus.
I really wanted to like this movie. And frankly, they actually
did a fair job of giving me something to work with. Trioxin as party
drug, for example. Nothing gives an old idea a metaphorical shot in
the arm like some never-before-done elements. Additions like the
zombie rats (I'm not kidding!) and the hitchhiking zombie (STILL not
kidding!) throw some extra chuckles in for flavor.
But for every one reason they gave me to like the movie, they
seemed bound and determined to give me at least two to dislike it.
Lousy effects, for example--a guitar decapitation on a recently
reanimated zombie? Either this brings new meaning to guitar as axe or
they're just desperate. Some zombies shamble and some run. Head shots
are now an acceptible way to smoke a zombie, something that the Return of the Living Dead
franchise has never done before. Granted, this is how it should have
been all along but I still can't help but fault them for busting their
own continuity wide open.
Even worse is how little zombie action there is. In a movie about
zombies, it's really not a great move to concentrate most of your
zombie action in the last twenty minutes. The rest of the movie is
buildup, exposition, and some minor zombie skirmishes. You never see a
group larger than eight zombies until the end, and I believe the actual
largest group was four.
Which brings me to the ending. Lots of violence and zombies in
here, including the always freaky zombies in strobe light, and one
clever twist that possibly sets up yet another sequel. Which, frankly,
leaves me colder than the zombie cast.
The special features are rather sparse, including only English and
Spanish subtitles along with trailers for RETURN OF THE LIVING DEAD:
RAVE TO THE GRAVE, the After Dark Horrorfest, UNDEAD, ED GEIN and
rather sad. It tried--it really did!--to be a worthy successor to an
amusing and interesting zombie movie, but in the end, it just didn't
have the life the original had in it.
RATING: ** (out of four)
This is one great site you have here. Keep it up!
Posted by: suspense horror | July 10, 2009 at 05:11 AM
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Posted by: Asics Tiger Australia | January 07, 2012 at 04:14 AM
He saw the wind against him, I know that tinkering is no good, the only way is to sit down and wait.
Posted by: Ken Griffey Jr Shoes | January 09, 2012 at 09:34 PM