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September 20, 2007



GOD, this guy is a fruit!!!

He's like the anti-horror movie remake director.

The whole remake of Halloween was pointless from the start but Zombie led the movie to a whole new level of disappointment.

With every death, I swear I died a little inside. This movie was sooo unneccasary, and Zombie is totally fucked up in the head.

I hope no one ever trusts him with a horror movie remake again cause he's just going to put thousands of pointlessly gorey death scenes in it anyway.

He should just direct a snuff film and get it over with. Every movie with an actual plot is in danger of being trashed by this demented ass-hole.


His music SUCKS too!

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I want to see this interview with ROB ZOMBIE !!


OK.. I DON'T hate Rob Zombie's music. I rather much get much comfort from it. His remake of Halloween... from an 80's chick... yeah kicked more ass than the originals. WHY do I say this? Because it's true. As kids (I had to sneak in my horror films), most of these movies were laughable. We laughed and bitched about them. WHY? because the footage sucked! I could of thought up more grime than most people can handle. Like, show me the blood already! The prolonged attempts at scaring you over stranger danger. It was the message of the times. Now, it's reality at it's worst. How much sickness,blood,guts,cut through the bone scenes can you dish? While our older brothers and sisters were peeing their pants, we were bored and not enthralled.
How long can you show HOW SCARED a person is? How about the unpredictable? How about the real scare of not knowing what's around the corner?
Rob Zombie was just stating our present facts about scary people like Michael. The rest of it is cheese. I like cheese. Just not this cheese as much as modern artistic warfare.
What I'm getting at is, the old time movies are great. That's why Rob wants to do them first. Eventually every good production, is re-made. It's a matter of who-done-it, first.
What are people afraid of today? How about the minds of serial rapists,killers, and the friend you thought was a friend. Or the neighbor who seems so innocently sane. While behind closed doors they torture someone you know or knew of.
The whole sickness of his flick has to do with the mind. And not only myself, but my (of age)friends agreed. All these kids are having babies. They don't realize the real value of raising good children. They're still immature and aren't very good role models themselves. Its not that you have kids young and your not a good parent. Its that you are so young and still not mature enough to raise a reasonable citizen. And no one learns from their past. And no one stops to correct their wrongs. It's everyone else that has to take the responsibility to raise the unfit parent's child properly. That's true horror. Besides the psycho step parents. Oh, and your neighbors. When are you guys gonna update this anyhow? is it still up? All I see is comments from 2006. Ketchup!


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I understand Rob Zombie remake of the movie Halloween not scary but was interesting and sad. I'm not easy to get scared since alot of my fear left me when i was watching alot of scary movie at the age of 5. My mother was foreign so the nightmares I had was a bunch until my ass was grown to love the scary movies so whatever movie that gives me nightmares I give it an A.

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